
The 74th Gian Battista Viotti International Music Competition 2024 is open to violinists of all nationalities who were born after 19 October 1991.


Application Deadline 

The application form completed in all its parts must be sent no later than July 28, 2024.


How to apply


Application online

Candidates can apply for the Viotti Competition by application online. They only need to register to the Viotti Music Competition website and they will receive an email confirming the successful registration and containing a link to their personal page. Here the candidates can fill in the application form and attach documents and files.


Materials required

The application must be sent together with:


1. The application form filled in all its parts and signed by the candidate.

2. A copy of the applicant’s passport or equivalent document that contains their name, nationality and birthday.

Upload formats: .jpeg or .pdf.

3. A curriculum vitae written in Italian or English in discursive form (max. 800 characters; please do not use accented letters in the online data field) containing details of musical and artistic education, performances and prizes won at other Competitions.

Upload formats: doc, docx, txt, .pdf.

4. One or more recent artistic photographs free of copyright.

upload formats .jpeg files 300 dpi, longest side 10 cm.

5. The musical program for the competition including the full title of the piece, Opus number, movements, approximate timings for each work.

6. The digital recording for the preliminary selection.

7. The entrance fee. The entrance fee for the Competition, amounting to EUR 120, must be paid by bank transfer (all bank charges shall be borne by the applicant) to:



Bank: Banca di Asti (Agenzia 1 di Vercelli)

Piazza Zumaglini, 16 – 13100 VERCELLI (Italia)

IBAN: IT03T0608510009000010500915


NB: in the case of bank transfer from abroad please indicate the BIC code together with the IBAN code.


The applicants shall send to the Competition’s Office a copy of the proof of payment of the application fee. Failure to enclose such a receipt will invalidate the application. Under no circumstances will entrance fee be refunded.

Those candidates whose application form is incomplete and whose entrance fee is unpaid within the set time limit should not be allowed to compete.





The preliminary selection to the Viotti Competition 2024 will be made by way of documents and a digital recording submitted by the applicants.


Recording for the preliminary selection

An unmodified digital recording must be submitted by all applicants.


Program of the preliminary selection

Recording must contain:

I) One piece by Johann Sebastian Bach chosen from the following:

– Adagio and Fugue from the Sonata in G minor BWV 1001

– Grave and Fugue from the Sonata in A minorBWV 1003

– Chaconne from the Partita in D minor BWV 1004

– Adagio and Fugue from the Sonata in C major BWV 1005


II) Niccolò Paganini: Capriccio No. 24 Op. 1


Please note that the music chosen for the preliminary selection can be used for the program of the competition.


How to send

Application online: uploading the video to YouTube (in the settings you can select “Unlisted” to allow viewing only to those who will be in possession of the internet address of the video). In the description you must indicate “Preselection Viotti Competition 2024”. Please, fill out the online form indicating the Internet address of the videos in the appropriate field. The applicants details must be clearly stated in the description of the video in Youtube. In addition, the following data must be specified: recording date and complete program.


N.B.: The first and second prize winners of a Violin Competition registered in the World Federation of International Music Competition of Geneva (WFIMC) will be admitted to the Competition without preliminary selection. In this case, the applicant should attach documentation.





1. All applicants will be informed of their acceptance or rejection not later than August 19, 2024.


2. All music must be performed from memory, except those listed below:

Second round

Pieces chosen from group 1 of the Repertoire (The candidate must play one romantic piece…)

Pieces chosen from group 2 of the Repertoire (The candidate must play a modern piece…);


All chamber music pieces.


All the music performed must be published.


3. All competitors must arrive at the Secretary of the Competition in Vercelli by 3:00pm on the day of convocation to attend the registration at the Competition and the drawing ceremony.


4. The performing order of contestants determined by drawing before the first round will be maintained throughout the Competition except for the final round in which the order will be established by the members of the Jury.


5. Candidates are advised to remain in Vercelli, and must be available at all times during the whole period when they are competing.


6. The decisions of the Jury are final; in case of differences of interpretation of the Competition Regulations, the Italian text will be held as definitive.


7. The Viotti Competition organization reserves the right to use any recording or video made or photograph taken during the Viotti Competition 2024 and have the unlimited rights to broadcast competition performances on TV, Radio, the Internet and other data networks without any payment to the competitors. Participation in the Viotti Competition 2024 implies a tacit agreement of this above-mentioned rule.


8. The first prize is indivisible. The second and third prize can be awarded ex-aequo. The Jury can decide not to award any prize.


9. Prize-winners of the International Music Competition G.B. Viotti of Vercelli agree to make use in future of the exact title conferred by the Jury. Any misuse will be prosecuted.


10. The laureates of the Violin 2024 competition undertake to perform, without any remuneration, in the graduates’ concert should it be scheduled.